The bitmap keyword does not produce a gadget. It creates an image to be used later. Up to 10 images can be predefined, the last one defined is the first one used. Last In First Out.
FileName='path:file' (fn)
The file to read and produce an image from using datatypes.
selectedimage='path:file' (si)
The file to read and produce the selected image from using datatypes.
Make the image background transparent
(if the associated image and datatype allows this).
x,y the left and top pixel of the first image.
wide,high the size of the images.
offsetx,offsety the offset to the selected state image.
buffer the buffer used to store the root bitmap. (0-4)
( buffer 0 is also used for button animations )
Use portions of a bitmap for this image.
The image is only part of the root bitmap specified by x|y|wide|high, the offsets can be set to 0 to make the normal and selected state the same.
filename="" will cause this image to use the next available predefined bitmap
for the root bitmap. (only with 'part')
Not including a file name at all will reuse an existing root bitmap. This allows you to only load one bitmap with a images needed. You can then reuse parts mutiple times. Also you only need to have a single image file for most applications rather than several small ones.(only with part)
It is possible to redefine an image buffer. When this is done the previous contents of the image buffer are saved before the new bitmap is created. See the freeimage modify command for more information on handling image buffers.
Definition Reply
When the image creation is successful the pipe replies with